Tag: Fortnite 2

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Brings New Gameplay Changes

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Brings New Gameplay Changes

Epic Games has unleashed Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 upon the gaming public, and with it are a whole bunch of new features for players to enjoy. With the new update inevitably come new Fortnite items, new locations, factions, weapons, and even the introduction of Deadpool. However, there is a variety of new gameplay changes that you should know about in the battle royale title. Patch notes are no longer released by the developers for Fortnite Battle Royale, though several changes have been published to bring players up to speed with what’s new.

What’s New in Season 2

In Chapter 2 Season 2, there have been a lot of new additions. Everything from Fortnite skins to new areas have been added, with the latter featuring NPCs that will need to be defeated before you can take their prized weapons. Teleportation seems to be a neat new feature too, as you can use toilets and dumpsters to navigate your way around the island. There’s new gameplay mechanics of interest as well, such as the ability to sneak around the map in a cardboard box, and you can now also share your healing items by throwing them to fellow players. So, if you have any shields or medkits handy, be sure to do so when needed.

Vaulted/Unvaulted Weapons

Another major change in this season is the weapons that have been brought back from the vault, and those that have been vaulted as a consequence. Players who like to take a stealthy approach will be delighted to hear that most suppressed weapons have been brought back, as well as remote explosives and the mini-gun. However, damage traps have now been vaulted until further notice, much to the dismay of the player base. Joining them will be the bolt action sniper and the P90.

Changes in Gameplay

On top of the fresh content, there are a number of new gameplay changes in Fortnite Battle Royale. Five new points of interest have been added, including the Shark, the Yacht, the Grotto, the Agency, and the Rig. At each of these locations, you will find NPCs that will drop Mythic items upon defeat.

Key cards have also been added, which will help you locate vaults that house several crates. You can also use ID Scan to open certain crates if you choose to. Another change worth noting is that upgrading weapons now takes longer, so keep this in mind to manage your time better.

Bug Fixes

Naturally, it can’t all be about the excitement of fresh new content for the battle royale title. It may be the less glamorous side of Fortnite news, but there are some bug fixes that will be of interest. The developers have implemented a fix in which there had been issues with selecting friends and scrolling. Players also noted that they were getting stuck on the loading screen after accepting invites. Meanwhile, others had been unable to select traps when prompted to do so while using a controller.

The Battle Royale mode seemed to bear the brunt of the issues, where there was a fault in which players saw a blank controller set up when choosing controller settings. Other issues included a message stating that players could not join a party when they could actually do so, and being unable to move after emoting.

There is an air of sheer excitement surrounding Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2. With a wealth of new Fortnite items, locations, factions and more being added, there‘s plenty for players to be getting on with. Not only that, but there is also a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks. There are Deadpool challenges still to run, as well as the reveal of the impact of the new Agent factions, and how they will ultimately shape the future of the game. That’s what it appears the game is working towards at the moment if the section of the lobby that states ‘Coming Soon’ is anything to go by. In the meantime, we can enjoy the new content, browse the Fortnite item shop, and dive into battle to see what Fortnite still has to offer!

What do you think of the gameplay changes in Fortnite? Let us know in the comments section below!

A Dummy’s Guide to Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 2

A Dummy’s Guide to Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 2


Chapter 2: Season 2 of Fortnite finally landed just as February is about to close. Season 1 was a bit of a drag, especially for players who game on Battle Royale Fortnite daily. It was hard to say what Epic Games had in store for us, but now that the cat’s finally out of the bag, we can dive straight into the goods. So what’s the theme for this new season? Will there be any changes in the map and added Fortnite items that can alter the way we play the game? Find out the answer to those questions and so much more!

New Seasons Means New Skins

Every new season in Epic Games Fortnite comes with high-quality Fortnite skins and new emotes that players can flaunt whenever they gain a victory. It’s only the start of Chapter 2: Season 2, so only a limited number of skins have currently been announced—but there should be more to follow during mid-season and some surprise twists that weren’t expected. Currently, here’s the line-up of skins that you can get through the Battle Pass immediately and/or by grinding until you’ve reached a certain level in the pass:

  • Gears Specialist Maya
  • Agent Peely
  • Meowscles
  • TNTina
  • Brutus
  • Skye
  • Midas
  • Deadpool

You can also earn the gold variants for these skins by leveling up while the season is still ongoing. Here are the levels that you need to reach before the season ends to acquire the skins:

Skin Level That You Need
Brutus (gold variant) Level 140
Meowscles (gold variant) Level 180
TNTina (gold variant) Level 220
Skye (gold variant) Level 260
Agent Peely (gold variant) Level 300

There are also back blings that you can collect should you purchase the Battle Pass. These accessories go together with the designated skins that we’ve just discussed. For example, the Banana Briefcase accessory goes well with Agent Peely. While the Feline Pack is meant for Meowscles. However, you don’t really have automatically pair these backpacks to the skins that they’re meant to go with. If you’d rather mix and match to create your own style, the option is also available.

What’s The Theme for This Season?

The theme for Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 2 revolves around spies, secret agents, and being able to create your own narrative with the choices that you make. The interface of the battle pass has been revamped into a headquarters for spies, with the background music sounding like something that came out of a James Bond movie.

During the introduction of the new season, you’ll be given a choice between the two competing factions to join:Ghost and Shadow. Whichever faction you choose will ultimately set the tone for the rest of the game as you’ll get to unlock different variants of the Battle Pass skins that we mentioned. Another highlight of Season 2 is that you can battle bosses within the game. Raiding some of the spy headquarters that can be found all around the map can reward you with the best weapons that the game can offer.

What We Didn’t Expect

If there’s one thing that we didn’t expect, it’s the collaboration between Fortnite and Marvel. Granted Epic Games has already teamed up with them in the past, specifically during the launch of the movie “Avengers: Endgame”. The collaboration between these two ended up being one of the best things to happen for Fortnite Battle Royale players as it brought Thanos to the game. Plus, players got to use the Infinity Gauntlet (at least for a while). This time, Deadpool will be an unlockable skin that players can use in-game!

Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 2 is just getting started, and with so many new Fortnite items and skins along the way, who knows what’ll pop up next? So, what’s your favorite thing about the new season so far? Let us know by leaving a comment below!